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New Cool Stuff

I just added my latest offering to my Etsy shop and I have more on the way. A while back I was looking at charcuterie boards and I couldn’t find a single one in a herring bone pattern. So I thought, “How hard can it be?” After building a batch, I’ve learned why no one else is selling them. A simple looking board with two wooden handles required building 6 jigs / templates, one of which is two sided for dual purposes. The level of precision demanded by the herring bone pattern is tough to achieve. Boards of a comparable size are selling too cheap for mine to compete, so I’m letting them go at a loss. I guess that’s the cost of being unique instead of making a clone of what everyone else is selling. On the up side, this was a fun project. If this first batch sells, I may make one more batch, just for the heck of it. With all the jigs and templates built, the process should go marginally faster.

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